Q. Is there a charge to stay at Kairos?
No, there is no charge to stay at Kairos. Our home is supported soley through memorials, donations, and grants from our local foundations.
We are grateful for the generous support of our community.
Q. Is Kairos a division of another organization?
No, Kairos Dwelling stands alone. It is incorporated and has its own board of directors.
Q. Why does my loved one need to be under hospice care; isn't Kairos a hospice?
Kairos dwelling is not a hospice. We provide 24 hour care to those in the last months of their lives, but the care plan, medications, and equipment are provided by the hospice of their choice.
Q. What are the visiting hours?
Visitors are welcome daily from 7:00am - 10:00pm. If wanting to visit after hours, please call.