Donations from people like you are our primary funding source.
As you may know, we are the only “home” in Kalamazoo that provides care to the terminally ill and their families free of charge. With your donation, you become part of the Kairos family—helping to care, helping to make a difference.
Your contribution will be acknowledged to the family or individual you indicate. The amount of the gift is shown only on the letter mailed to you as a receipt for your tax records. You can also find a list of our needs at this end of the page.
Donate via PayPal Here:
If you would like to mail your contribution, please send to:
Kairos Dwelling
2945 Gull Road
Kalamazoo, MI 49048
If your gift is in honor or in memory of someone please include that information.
You are welcome to contact us for additional information.
Needs List
You can also donate to Kairos by contributing items from our needs list.
Gift Cards (Meijers, Menards, Etc…)
Postage Stamps
Paper Towel
Individual Bottled Water (all sizes)
Dishwasher Pods
Laundry Pods (HE)
Swiffer Dry Pads
White Copy Paper
Soft Drinks (cans)
Keurig (K-Cups)
Beverage Solo Cups
Hot/Cold Coffee Cups
Paper Plates (all sizes)
Ground Coffee